In the series “Beauty of Existence,” Olia Breva delves into the well-known genre of still life, which was known since ancient times and has flourished particularly during the era of the “Dutch Golden Age.” For Olia Breva, this genre is not a “dead nature” or a “frozen” representation as translated from the term “still life,” “nature mort”. Unlike classical still life, which is detached from humanity and where the composition's objects carry predetermined symbolism, serving as a specific “narrative,” here we find a kind of meditation in which the objects retain the sensation of the person who has just left them or the feeling that they will soon return, maintaining a connection with them. In some works, the human figure becomes a part of the still life, or the still life ventures outdoors, to plein air, merging with nature itself and all its elemental force.
«I am fascinated by the beauty of things, objects, flowers. These are captured moments of life where I have sensed the energy of delight in beauty, and I desire to share it with others.»