October 12 - 29, 2023
«Darling» - dear, beloved - it is precisely this way that John Evangelist addresses people in the Gospel and says, «God is love,» and «Whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in them.»
The exhibition «Darling» by Olia Breva is dedicated to the most important, beautiful, and priceless feeling of human life - Love. Love can take various forms. Ancient Greek philosophers, such as Plato, his disciple Aristotle (who, by the way, educated Alexander the Great), and Empedocles, defined seven types of Love: Eros (sensual love), Ludus (playful love), Storge (affectionate love and friendship), Ludus (playful love), Mania (obsession, the merging of Eros and Storge), Philia - idealistic love, a concept introduced by Plato, and Agape - sacrificial, selfless love that surrounds one with care for others, becoming a fundamental concept in the Bible.
October 12 - 29, 2023
Love colors our entire life, making it vibrant and emotional, starting from the child's love for their mother and the mother's love for the child (Agape), evolving throughout life into passion, playfulness, and sometimes friendship and support.

It is the most essential "substance" of our lives. Not surprisingly, psychologists and therapists believe that it is important for every adult to address their inner child, as it enables the establishment of harmonious relationships with the world. Hence, the symbol of the exhibition became «Girl on a Donkey,» surrounded by a «halo» of flowers. And the donkey alludes to the Holy Family (saving the most precious thing they had - a child born of God, and it's significant as a symbol) fleeing to Egypt, and Jesus («God is love») entering Jerusalem on this animal, as ir described by the history of art, as Olia Breva reminds us.

Olia Breva blends paints of different types of love on her canvases, revealing the entire spectrum of emotions they evoke. These can be the secret «Thoughts of the Goddess,» a delicate world that gives birth to love itself, or two hands, like two lovers, unfolding each other's «crumpled» lives filled with doubts - in the series «The end is at hand and you shall be confused...»

Olia Breva's paintings are love illuminated by philosophy and spiritual questions, which she transmits through color, the «dissolution» of images in the background of the canvas, or with the broad trace of a fluted wide brush.

«Can't buy my love,» sang The Beatles. It is impossible because it is priceless when love is genuine. However, one can acquire its reflections and transmissions offered by the artistic works of Olia Breva.

«To love is a form of productive activity. It... can be directed towards a person, a tree, a painting, an idea. It arouses and enhances the sense of fullness of life. It is a process of self-renewal and self-enrichment,» wrote the philosopher Erich Fromm in his work.

Therefore, let's fall in Love!

It is not by chance that the exhibition takes place in the city of Paphos, which translates to «passion,» «emotion,» and «feelings» in Greek. It is also the name of the son of the sculptor Pygmalion and his wife, which was animated by his art and passion sculpture Galatea
Cap St Georges hotel & resort, Paphos, Cyprus
Personal Exhibition