August 29 - September 09, 2023
Olia Breva's expressionistic works showcase a spirituel world and the emerging energies and entities that inhabit it. They depict luminous angels who accompany humans, as well as female figures that transform into symbols of the ancient Primordial Mother and Spring.
Through this exhibition, Olia Breva returns to her roots, to the city of Gyumri, where the artist traces her lineage. And through this return to her historical origins, she seeks to reconnect all of humanity, or at least the exhibition's viewers, with their spiritual origins. The historical and physical (biological, passed down through generations on a genetic level) heritage carries a sacred meaning for her: the homeland is the place of original creation, where Adam and Eve were still pure, but this purity is difficult to comprehend and find in the conditions of the modern world.

The basic corpus of the exhibition became Olia Breva's new series dedicated to the 13th chapter of the Book of Isaiah from the Old Testament, which tells about false gods - idols, moral decay, and material wealth that have led people away from spiritual richness. In this series, she addresses to the main themes of this Chapter, where the Lord promises, «I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless; I will make people scarcer than pure gold.»
August 29 - September 09, 2023
The faces of the characters are enveloped in waves of color or revealed through bold brushstrokes. The forms of color splashes or the sweeping trails of a grainer bristle brush convey the information-rich intensity of the energy unleashed onto the canvases. In her works, the human figure balances on the precipice between earthly chaos of everyday life and the spiritual realm.

The series «The end is at hand and you shall be confused» bears resemblance to Michelangelo's fresco «The Creation of Adam.» Whose hands are these and what are they doing? Perhaps they are the «Hands of Fate», or simply the hands of a person ready to accept whatever the Universe offers? According to Olia Breva's intention, this series is a contemplation of an idea or desire that evokes doubt or personal internal conflict. «We go through this path of inner contradictions, and only when we release the situation, trusting in God, does what is true become defined and appeared. » says Olia. In reality, she painted the series from life, depicting her own hands - the hands of an artist, a creator, reminding us that humans are the makers of their own destiny.

The eternal questions of the Eternal City embody timeless existential inquiries about existence and self-definition within a moral framework, uniting people in any corner of the world, which and thus becomes a collective "City of God" (as defined by Saint Augustine).

Olia Breva invites each individual for self-questioning, to contemplate and pose these eternal questions to themselves, to find their own answers and discover their true selves
Armenia, Gyumri, Armenian Woman's Museum