«World spiritual / World material»
Angels, elements, essences, the fusion of the unseen (energetic) and the earthly (physical, material) realms, where humanity exists – these are the subjects portrayed in Olia Breva's expressionistic works. The faces of the characters are enveloped in waves of color or break through the entangled strokes of energetic paint. The color palette and the nature of the brushstrokes, whether in the form of vibrant patches of color or broad, sweeping strokes, convey the character of the energy unleashed onto the canvases. In her paintings, the human figure teeters on the brink between the chaos of everyday life and the spiritual, “subtle” world.

«As an artist and a spiritual individual, I endeavor to comprehend that which is concealed beyond the physical facade of the world, and which, in my perception, truly serves as the driving force for the development and transformation of each individual and the entire world as a whole.»
Olia Breva